Dashboard Configuration

The dashboard configuration will need to be edited if you want to add to or change what is displayed. This page begins with details of the configuration variables and follows that with a worked example which assumes you are starting with a working configuration and want to change one of the displayed fields. This should provide a pattern for other changes. The page ends with a description of how the configuration is updated on the dashboard and the utilities involved.

Detailed Description of the Configuration Parameters

query_idstring to enquire signature string. For Megasquirt, always "Q".
Note:query_id is no longer needed. It is hard-wired to "Q".
expect_idexpected response to query_id. The signature string from your .INI file.
query_valsstring to send to Megasquirt to trigger a poll. Megasquirt is expected to respond with a fixed length block of data. Query_vals is usually given a value determined by ms2_request (see below), but can be assigned a literal string if you know the serial protocol well enough.
resp_lenthe length of the block of data expected in response to query_vals. Also usually provided by ms2_request (below). If you roll your own, be sure to allow for any header or checksum that Megasquirt might append.
pollcycleMegasquirt is always polled 16 times per second but the dashboard display is only updated every pollcycle polls. Mean, min and max values are started afresh every display update. Last values live outside the poll cycle and always update 16 times per second. This can make text displays unreadable. Pollcycle must be one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128.
bgbackground colour specification. Two binary values which define a colour gradient from bottom to top of the screen. Best to use with the rgb function.
paletteoptional colour specifications to be used in place of "W","R","Y" and "B" when drawing widgets. Defaults to CFG::rgb(255,255,255) . CFG::rgb(255,144,144) . CFG::rgb(255,255,64) . CFG::rgb(160,255,255) respectively.
bldutyan array of two values: day and night percentage duty for the LED backlight. Lets you configure how dim the display is when your headlights are on.
txdelayOlder Megasquirt firmware could miss serial input if it came too fast. This value sets the delay between characters sent to the Megasquirt. Not really necessary with newer firmware, but it doesn't hurt. Units are 8 µs, so a txdelay of 125 will pace characters at 1 ms intervals.
orientationdisplay orientation (MADCTL register in ST7735 display controller). Useful values are 0 for normal, 0xc0 for upside-down, 0x40 for mirror, 0x80 for upside-down-mirror.
dividerSPI clock divider ([1:4], default 1). The display uses the SPI protocol. Depending on the quality of the connection, it may be necessary to slow communications down from the default 12MHz. A divider of 2 will slow it down to 6MHz, etc.
pollthe Megasquirt is polled 16 times per second (by sending query_vals). It responds with a string of resp_len bytes. The poll array tells the dashboard how to turn this stream of bytes into useful values. Each entry consists of six definitions:
  • handle  a unique name for the variable, and only used within this file. Each handle should be referred to by at least one entry in the show array. An unreferenced handle won't necessarily cause problems, but will lead to unnecessary load on the dashboard.
  • o_buf  the offset of the first byte of the value within the block retrieved from the Megasquirt. This needs to allow for the length of any header Megasquirt adds (typically an extra 3 bytes).
    If o_type is not an 8-bit datatype, o_buf must be an even number (so the value will be aligned on a word boundary).
  • o_type  the type specified in the .INI file, or F16 if a temperature value needs to be converted to Celsius.
  • o_method  one of mean, min, max and last. Mean will accumulate the average value over pollcycle samples. Min and max will likewise accumulate the minimum or maximum value in the last pollcycle samples. Last will always contain the most recent sample. Any graphical element linked to a last value will refresh 16 times per second.
  • o_discard  determines how many digits to truncate from the right hand side of the value (or, equivalently, what power of ten to divide the value by).
  • o_prec  (must be in [-3:3]) defines how many of the remaining digits should appear to the right of the decimal point after o_discard digits have been truncated. If negative, that number of zeroes is appended.

An example might make o_buf clearer. If your request is built by:

%req = ms2_request(17, 9);

This is what the dashboard is going to get back from the Megasquirt. example read block

The blue boxes represent 9 bytes of data starting from byte 17 in the OutputChannels. It is only meaningful to access these bytes. It is also important that 16-bit values be read only at even addresses (along the top) i.e. D1 can only be accessed as a U8 or S8 value. Looking at the version 3.4.2 .INI file, D1 will be the second half of barometer. D1's only purpose here is to put the other data on even addresses. D2,D3 follow; they will be the map value. So given this request, the o_buf for map is 4.

If you check the .INI file yourself, you'll see that 6 would get you mat and 8 would get you coolant.

showThe dashboard contains 8 rows by 2 columns of widget slots. The show array assigns widgets to these slots. All slots must be filled, and the array order has to fill them top-down, left to right. E.g. a double-height (SEG7) widget on the left can't be immediately followed by a double-width (TRILED) widget. The two empty slots to the right would have to be filled next.
There are only two mandatory values in each show slot:
  • type one of the known widget types as detailed below.
  • field the handle of one of the poll entries (in fact even this value is not necessary for BLANK widgets).

Helper functions

ms2_request, ms2_oldrequestutility functions which respectively build the request string for the new and old Megasquirt serial protocols. There are two arguments:
  • start  the offset of the start of the requested block of values within the Megasquirt OutputChannels.
  • number: the number of bytes in the requested block.
The functions return a Perl hash containing query_vals and resp_len which are ready to use in the config. Ms2_request will have appended the appropriate serial protocol envelope to query_vals, and adjusted resp_len for the envelope on the returned block.
rgbtakes three values in the range [0:255] for red, green and blue colour components and returns a 16-bit packed binary representation of that colour (5 bits for red, 6 bits for green, 5 bits for blue).

Widget Specific Values For the Show Section

Here is a rather ugly dashboard with examples of all available widget types which might help illustrate the descriptions below.

all widgets


Slot 0 (top left) in the photo showing the optional label "RPM".

All values optional.

labelUp to 4 character constant string. This will be drawn on the otherwise unchanged background gradient.
inverse0 (default) draw the label in white; 1 draw it in black.
halignone of left, centre, center, right. Default is left.
valignone of top, middle, bottom. Default is top.


Slots 1 and 3 in the photo are a SEG7 widget, labelled "RPM" by the BLANK field to its left. The MSEG7 is not in the photo, but only differs from the SEG7 in its size. It fills both columns, spans three rows and can display up to five digits.

fieldmandatory reference to poll handle.
labeloptional 3 character label occupying the first digit position in the widget. If a digit is drawn there, the label will be overwritten and will not be restored.
bgoptional widget colour (default "W"): W, R, Y, B (by default these are white, red, yellow, blue, but can be mapped any four colours with the palette option. Depending on the inverse value, this is either the background or foreground colour. The other is always black.
inverse0 (default) for black digits on colour background; 1 for colour digits on a black background.
lovalmandatory if cmap is specified. Widget colour will be the first colour of the cmap when the field value is below loval.
hivalmandatory if cmap is specified. Widget colour will be the third colour of the cmap when the field value is above hival.
cmapa number between 1 and 4. 1 gives orange, normal, orange; 2 gives blue, normal, red; 3 gives normal, orange, red and 4 gives red, orange, normal. In all cases, "normal" means the colour specified by bg.


Slot 2 in the photo, showing "MAP" value.

fieldmandatory reference to poll handle.
labeloptional 3 character label which will appear in a tiny font at the top left of the widget.
bgoptional colour specification. One of W, R, Y, B, and behaves just like the SEG7 bg option.
inverse0 (default) for black letters on colour background; 1 for colour letters on black background.


The BAR widget is little used and may be removed from the firmware in future.

Slots 4-7 in the photo, showing "CLT".

fieldmandatory reference to poll handle.
labeloptional 3 character label for the gauge.
bgoptional background colour: W, R, Y, B with the usual palette override option.
minvalmandatory. Needle won't go below this value. Text annotation will still show the correct figure.
maxvalmandatory. Needle won't go above this value.
bluemandatory. Area "behind" the needle will be blue from minval to blue.
redmandatory. Area "behind" the needle will be red from red to maxval.


Slots 8 and 9 in the photo, no label.

fieldmandatory reference to poll handle.
minvalmandatory. No LEDs lit when value is below this.
maxvalmandatory. All LEDs lit when value is above this. Once the first LED is lit, each extra lit LED represents an increment of 1/7th of the range between minval and maxval.
boundunimplemented. Notionally it is an array of three values representing the number of green, orange and red LEDs respectively. The numbers must add up to 8 so that all LEDs are assigned. This is supported in the underlying code, but the Perl code, for now, is wired to 5, 2 and 1 respectively.


The RANGEBAR widget has been removed from the firmware. It remains documented here as a reminder of what used to be.

Slots 10-13 in the photo, showing "AFR".

fieldmandatory reference to poll handle.
labeloptional 3 character label for the gauge.
bgoptional background colour: W, R, Y, B with the usual palette override option.
minvalmandatory. Needle won't go below this value. Text annotation will still show the correct figure.
maxvalmandatory. Needle won't go above this value.
lofieldmandatory reference to a poll handle. Typically this would be a min method collection of the same variable as field. This gives the lower bound for the orange part of the display.
hifieldmandatory reference to a poll handle. Typically this would be a max method collection of the same variable as field. This gives the upper bound for the orange part of the display.
tickmandatory value where the "ideal" tick mark appears in the background of the gauge.


The TRILED widget may be changed in future. It makes sense to change it to a single-slot widget with just the LEDs. The associated text can then be anywhere around it or left out altogether.

Slots 14 and 15 (bottom row) in the photo, showing "V".

fieldmandatory reference to poll handle.
labeloptional 3 character label for the TEXT part of the gauge.
bgoptional background colour: W, R, Y, B and behaving the same as for TEXT widgets.
inverse0 (default) for black letters on colour background; 1 for colour letters on black background.
lovalmandatory. Leftmost LED will be illuminated when the field value is below loval.
hivalmandatory. Rightmost LED will be illuminated when the field value is above hival.
cmapmandatory colour map number 0 or 1. If cmap is 0, LEDs left to right will be blue, green, red; if cmap is 1, LEDs will be orange, green, orange.

Worked Example:Adding EGOCorrection

This example assumes the dash is talking to an MS2 running the 3.4.2 firmware. We will be looking at that version's .INI file; you will want to be working with the correct .INI file for your installation.

The configuration file is a Perl script. Really, it's just a set of assignments, with the real work being done by the cfg.pm module, but if you already know Perl, the syntax will make sense to you. If you don't know Perl, try to preserve the various hieroglyphics because $, % and other odd characters are pretty important.

Here is the configuration file that we start with:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use lib '.';
use cfg;

my %req = CFG::ms2_request(1, 29);
# Update configuration here, then run the script to generate the .s19
# file ready to load into info flash.
my %conf = (
	# Ask the connected machine to identify itself
	query_id => "Q",
	# Response expected
	expect_id => "MS2Extra comms342a2\0",
	# Query to send regularly to retrieve values.  Starts half way
	# through the time so that shorts are aligned correctly.
	# **** New protocol ****
	# Request odd aligned at start because returned value comes
	# back with 2-byte length, 1-byte status, body of message.
	# Because dash copies even-aligned from the buffer, we can
	# only read the odd part of the seconds.
	# Because we're reading one byte into the buffer, all offsets
	# are increased by 2 (3-1) relative to the .ini file
	# **** New protocol ****
	query_vals => $req{query_vals},
	# Poll cycle -- must be one of 2,4,8,16,32,64,128
	# corresponding to gathering that many samples per display
	# update.  Sampling rate is currently fixed at 16/sec.
	pollcycle => 32,
	# Background colour RGB, RGB, wash, bottom to top.
	bg => CFG::rgb(144, 0, 0) . CFG::rgb(168, 20, 128),
	# Palette specification.  Here is the default for W (white),
	# R (pale red), Y (pale yellow), B (pale blue).  Note: dots
	# between colours, comma at end.
	palette => CFG::rgb(255,255,255) . CFG::rgb(255,144,144) .
		CFG::rgb(255,255,64) . CFG::rgb(160,255,255),
	# Backlight duty day/night in [0:100]
	blduty => [90, 30],
	# Inter-character transmit delay so as not to overrun ECU's
	# input buffer.  x8 usec.
	txdelay => 100,
	# Expected length of response to value query
	resp_len => $req{resp_len},
	# Numbers to poll and how to treat them:
	#   handle: how "show" section will refer to this field
	#   o_buf: offset of variable within query response
	#   o_type: U8,S8,U16,S16,F16(Fahrenheit)
	#   o_method: mean,min,max,last
	#   o_discard: number of digits to drop from RHS of number
	#   o_prec: number of digits after decimal point
	poll => [
		# RPM -- average
			handle => "RPMmean",
			o_buf => 8,
			o_type => 'U16',
			o_method =>'mean',
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 0
		# RPM -- last
			handle => "RPMlast",
			o_buf => 8,
			o_type => 'U16',
			o_method =>'last',
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 0
		# MAP -- average
			handle => "MAP",
			o_buf => 20,
			o_type => "U16",
			o_method => "mean",
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 1
		# CLT
			handle => "CLT",
			o_buf => 24,
			o_type => 'F16',
			o_method => 'mean',
			o_discard => 1,
			o_prec => 0
		# Min AFR (after Mean AFR for same reasons)
			handle => "AFRmin",
			o_buf => 30,
			o_type => "U16",
			o_method => "min",
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 1
		# Mean AFR
			handle => "AFRmean",
			o_buf => 30,
			o_type => "U16",
			o_method => "mean",
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 1
		# Max AFR
			handle => "AFRmax",
			o_buf => 30,
			o_type => "U16",
			o_method => "max",
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 1
		# Mean battery voltage
			handle => "Volts",
			o_buf => 28,
			o_type => "S16",
			o_method => "mean",
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 1
		# Mean air temperature
			handle => "MAT",
			o_buf => 22,
			o_type => "F16",
			o_method => "mean",
			o_discard => 1,
			o_prec => 0
		# Mean TPS
			handle => "TPS",
			o_buf => 26,
			o_type => "S16",
			o_method => "mean",
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 1
		# Seconds
			handle => "Time",
			o_buf => 3,
			o_type => "U8",
			o_method => "max",
			o_discard => 0,
			o_prec => 0
		# PW
			handle => "PW",
			o_buf => 4,
			o_type => "U16",
			o_method => "mean",
			o_discard => 2,
			o_prec => 1

	show => [
		{	# 0 RPM
			type => "TEXT",
			field => "RPMmean",
			label => "RPM"
		{	# 1 MAP
			type => "TEXT",
			field => "MAP",
			label => "MAP"
			# 2-3 LED bar
			# RPM LEDs from 500-5500, 5 green, 2 orange, 1 red.
			type => "LEDBAR",
			field => "RPMlast",
			minval => 500,
			maxval => 5500,
			bound => [5,2,1]
		{	# 4 AFR min
			type => "TEXT",
			field => "AFRmin",
			label => "Min",
			bg => "Y"
		{	# 5 AFR max
			type => "TEXT",
			field => "AFRmax",
			label => "Max",
			bg => "Y"
		{	# 6-7 Mean AFR tri-LED
			type => "TRILED",
			field => "AFRmean",
			label => "AFR",
			loval => 120,		# tenths
			hival => 160,
			cmap => 1,		# orange green orange
			bg => "Y"
		{	# 8-9 Mean CLT tri-LED
			type => "TRILED",
			field => "CLT",
			label => "CLT",
			loval => 1670,		# 167.0F = 75C
			hival => 1976,		# 197.6F = 92C
			cmap => 0,		# blue green red
		{	# 10-11 Batt.V
			type => "TRILED",
			field => "Volts",
			label => "V",
			loval => 127,		# 12.7V low limit
			hival => 148,		# 14.8V high limit
			cmap => 1,		# orange green orange
		{	# 12
			type => "TEXT",
			field => "MAT",
			label => "MAT",
			bg => 'B'
		{	# 13
			type => "TEXT",
			field => "TPS",
			label => "TPS",
			bg => 'B'
		{	# 14
			type => "TEXT",
			field => "PW",
			label => "PW",
		{	# 15
			type => "TEXT",
			field => "Time",
			label => "Sec",
			bg => 'R'


And here is the dashboard display it defines:

dashboard before

For this example we will replace the existing RPM LEDBAR with EGO Correction as a TRILED widget.

  1. Locate the desired value in the .INI file.

    At line 5451, in the OutputChannels section we find:

    egoCorrection1 = scalar, S16, 34, "%", 0.1000, 0.0

    It is important that the value be a simple scalar, the last number on the line needs to be 0, and the second-last number should be a power of 10. These are respectively offset and scale which are only slightly supported by the dashboard. Here we are fine on these conditions.

    Note that the datatype is S16 and its location is 34 bytes into the OutputChannels.

  2. Ensure that the location is within the block currently being polled from the Megasquirt.

    It might help if you refer to the diagram in the detailed descriptions.

    We noted above that the datatype is S16 (2 bytes) starting at location 34, so 34-35 need to be contained in the requested block.

    The existing ms2_request starts with byte 1 and is 29 bytes long. Change the second argument of the request to 35 and EGO Corr will be the at the end of the received block of data.

    my %req = CFG::ms2_request(1, 35);
  3. Add the record to the poll section.

    Now we know that the value is included in the requested block, we need to tell the dashboard where to find it, and how to interpret it. This happens in the poll section of the config file.

    Here is the poll entry used for the RPM LEDBAR from the existing config file:

    handle => "RPMlast",
    o_buf => 8,
    o_type => 'U16',
    o_method =>'last',
    o_discard => 0,
    o_prec => 0

    Firstly, if you look through the whole config file you'll see that there is only one other place where the handle RPMlast is mentioned, and that is in the part of the show section where the LEDBAR is defined. Since we'll be removing that, this poll record will no longer be needed.

    Replace the above poll record with:

    handle => "EGOCorr",
    o_buf => 36,
    o_type => "S16",
    o_method => "mean",
    o_discard => 0,
    o_prec => 1

    The handle was chosen to be meaningful and unique in the file and will be referred to in a moment when we define the TRILED widget.

    The type is as noted from the .INI file.

    Using "mean" method will average samples before displaying them.

    Discard of zero means that all digits will be kept.

    Prec of 1 is from the scale value from the .INI file. This interacts with discard. Had we discarded a digit, we'd need to make prec 0.

    Which leaves us with the tough one: o_buf. This is the offset within the requested block of the first byte of the value. Once again, the diagram may help.

    Three things determine the correct o_buf value:

    The rule is o_buf = location+header_len-start.

    That is 34+3-1 which gives the 36 used above.

    NOTE: for all 16-bit data types it is critical that o_buf be an even number. Because of the new protocol's 3-byte header, making the start parameter to the ms2_request call an odd number will ensure this is the case.

  4. Add the widget specification to the show section.

    The toughest part is over. We now just need to update the show section. The LEDBAR which is to be replaced is:

    # 2-3 LED bar
    # RPM LEDs from 500-5500, 5 green, 2 orange, 1 red.
    type => "LEDBAR",
    field => "RPMlast",
    minval => 500,
    maxval => 5500,
    bound => [5,2,1]

    Replace this record with:

    # 2-3 TRILED for EGO Correction
    type => "TRILED",
    field => "EGOCorr",
    label => "Cor",
    loval => 950,
    hival => 1050,
    cmap => 1,
    bg => "Y",

    Here, type tells the dashboard to configure a TRILED widget (which will occupy the next two slots), and field refers to handle from the new record in the poll section.

    The other values set the behaviour of this widget so that the left orange LED will light up if correction is below 95% and the right orange LED will light up if correction is above 105%. The text field will be on a pale yellow background. Each different sort of widget has its own set of attributes. The TRILED and other widgets are fully documented above.

That was a long explanation for a few changes. Here is a rather washed out photo of the resulting dashboard:

dashboard after


Two utilities are needed for the dashboard to do anything with your carefully crafted configuration. They are included in the Utilities bundle.

You can work whatever way suits you, but it's probably best to have a dedicated area beneath your home directory. Assuming you have the utilities bundle in /tmp/dashutil.tgz, at the shell prompt:

$ cd
$ tar xzf /tmp/dashutil.tgz
$ cd dashutil
$ ls
Makefile  cfg.pm  flasher  flasher.c  mkconf_eg1  mkconf_eg2 mkconf_wall

This has unpacked the bundle into a new dashutil directory in your home. The ls command lists the files:

Makefileused for rebuilding flasher if necessary.
cfg.pmPerl module which, combined with the config file, generates a compact .S19 file ready for the dashboard to download.
flashercommand which makes configuration files and/or dashboard firmware upgrade files available for the dashboard to download.
flasher.cC source code for flasher.
mkconf_eg1example config from tutorial -- before.
mkconf_eg2example config from tutorial -- after.
mkconf_wallexample config for the ugly all-widgets dashboard.
mkextracombines up to 5 mkconf scripts to build a flashable set of alternative layouts.

The utilities themselves are cfg.pm and flasher.


Assuming your Linux has Perl already installed, it's ready to go.

$ mkconf_eg1
$ mkconf_eg1 > /tmp/eg1.s19

The above generates the first example configuration twice. The first time is just for illustration and puts the output to the screen. That's what an .S19 file looks like. If you see something different, something is amiss; might be your Perl installation. The second execution stores the result in /tmp/eg1.s19.

When you run a mkconf script it generates an S19 file for the default configuration -- the one that a newly powered up dashboard will use. If you have a next-conf button, you have the option to switch to alternative layouts. Mkextra lets you take several mkconf scripts and generate a single .s19 file to load them into the alternative configuration area.

$ mkextra mkconf_eg2 mkconf_wall

If you load the above onto your dashboard, the default configuration will be unchanged, but one press of the next-conf button will give you the "eg2" config; another press will give you the "wall" config; one more press will get you back to the default.


If you are using a recent Linux on a 64-bit Intel/AMD processor, the version of flasher in the bundle should work. Quick test is to just enter the command flasher. If you get a "Usage" message, that's good. Otherwise you'll need to recompile it. Recompiling might be as simple as typing "make", but this page assumes your flasher passed the quick test.

It's finally time to communicate with the dashboard. Firstly, a warning: flashing the dashboard can potentially leave it in a bad state -- displaying gibberish or even "bricked" (i.e. unable to be reflashed through RS-232; can still be reflashed via JTAG using a TI Launchpad development board). Try to make sure your RS-232 connection is not noisy, and don't disconnect the cable in the middle of things. The download firmware tries to do everything safely but it's not completely bulletproof. At your own risk and all that.

Now hardware. Your computer needs a serial port -- either built-in or through a USB adapter -- and you need to know its name. A built in serial port will usually be called /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1. An adapter can end up with various names; usually something like /dev/ttyACM0 or /dev/ttyUSB0. Try plugging in the adapter and looking at the output of the dmesg command.

You will need a null-modem connection between your computer serial port and the dashboard serial port (typically pull the dashboard's serial plug from the Megasquirt and connect the null modem to the cable). Lastly the dashboard needs to be powered on: turn on the ignition. You should see a "No comms" message on the dashboard display.

Assuming your laptop's serial port is called /dev/ttyACM0 and that you still have the above .S19 file in your /tmp directory, you can load that config on your dashboard with the command:

$ flasher -p /dev/ttyACM0 /tmp/eg1.s19
'Q''M''B'Request for config segment #0
'B'Request for config segment #1
'B'Request for config segment #2

On the laptop, those messages tell you that configuration blocks are being downloaded by the dashboard. The dashboard will reboot once they have been written to flash, and you can reconnect the dash serial cable to the Megasquirt and admire your reconfigured dashboard.

Don't panic if the dash isn't what you expected. See if you can make any sense of what you can see and try the configuration process again.

Closing Remarks

This is admittedly not the easiest thing in the world to deal with, but it is very flexible and not so bad once you're used to it. You should have received a copy of your original configuration via e-mail when your board was mailed to you. That should give you a decent starting point.

The biggest challenge you might face is if you want to upgrade your Megasquirt firmware. If the OutputChannels or the serial protocol have changed, all your o_buf values will need to be reviewed.

Upgrades to the dashboard firmware are expected to add capabilities without breaking existing configurations. BAR will only be removed (as warned) if nobody at all is using it. You should therefore be safe to flash firmware updates, but it also means you won't see much benefit from them unless you change your config to use the new features.

You are welcome to e-mail me with cries for help or suggestions at robsproj9@gmail.com, or pm me as robs on the MSExtra Forum.

Good luck.